Saturday, February 25, 2006

A Kruk In Poland

Poland or Polska as we like to call it over here. I thought I would make a list of things that the average Pole would really love to see introduced to Poland. But then I boiled it all down to one all encompassing factor. They just don't have much fear of attorney here. The laws are prohibative to certain lawsuits that could raise the level of service and efficentcy that we know and love in the U.S. Of A.
President Kaczynski newly elected Napoleanic and at the same time Donald Duckish, is a real right wing nutter who fancies making All abortion illegal. Now if the mother is in danger or the baby or the child was a result of violent assault an abortion can be had legally. But the President wants to stop that so young polsih girls must resort to archaic measures or the black market (still quite strong) for her needs.
What I believe in my infinite wisdom Poland needs or rather the Polish people need is someone to tell them that they need not be treated the way they are accustomed to. Waiting on line for one form, another to buy stamps to pay for services at say the registers office or passport office. a third to get a stamp on a paper. Then back to the first desk where they tell you now you have to pay more and go get more documents. Then wait a month for your answer. And all you wanted was to mail a letter.
Talk about lines too. Jesus Some people here have no qualms about wheedling their way right in front of you. Usually these are ole ladies with mohair beret's stinking of some god awful american perfume by Coty from 1979. Or they keep knocking into your backside with the point of their shopping basket. I have taken to using a cart and placing it as a barrier between the next customer and I. This will drive them mad, mad I say.
But on the whole life here is good in a poor country simple pleasures take on that much more of a meaning. Just visiting with family or bouncing my little 4 month old on my knee as we play her favorite game "hop hop" Or playing with Hot Wheels all day with the 6 year old. Its cold and the Ravens are asleep in the trees and my love just got the coffee ready.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Kruk outside my window

Kruk = Raven in Polish.
I sit here in the Detroit of Poland, Katowice a coal stained city in south-central Poland. Its snowing, it snows everyday. When the wind comes in from Russia its so cold your sinuses freeze inside your head. It was minus 20 celsius but I have no idea how cold that is in farenhight nor how to spell it.
There is a murder of ravens (my polish namesake) outside on the building opposite mine just huddling together. The Kruks are huddling together inside our little home. Babcia made me some Cytronowka for the medicinal use. This is a drink made from Spiritus, lemon, and sugar. Spiritus is pure alcohol.
Katowice was used by the S.S. to oversee the "Camps" in Silesia. There were sporadic battles in Katowice after W.W. 1 between German, Polish , Russian, and even Irish and French troops supplied to secure the area. There is a monument to some Polish boyscouts who defended an area of the city against the Nazi's. Today though there are old ladies with bags full of turnips and potatoes walking gingerly home from the "sklep" shop. My little baby Lilly is in my beautiful polish wife's arms, and I don't have to work today.